The Homeopathic Dispensary is a space grown from Sandy Hudson's life long mission to get homeopathy onto the main street where it is accessible to everyone. Sandy, who qualified as a homeopath in 1991, has been using homeopathy to help people for decades and before she retires she hopes to help many more people in this lovely space.
As well as consultation rooms we have a shop stocking only supplements we know to be effective and of a high quality. This is where Tal Klug's special expertise comes in. Tal qualified as a homeopath in 2010 and from her experience working in the supplement industry she know which are the best supplements from the most trustworthy and reliable sources.
Our ethos is to use our combined experience and qualifications to provide tailored solutions for each customer's needs. When you come into the shop there will always be a qualified homeopath behind the counter to listen to your story and to help you to work out what you need.
For this reason, this website is not an online shop. Call us today on 01 2859142 so we can advise you on what best help is available for you. Phone consultations are available during Covid 19 restrictions, and for people living outside Dublin. We take card payments over the phone and can post directly to your home.
“I recently gave birth to my daughter 2 months ago. I found Sandy's Labour book and remedies invaluable throughout the labour and birth. We have a history of 2/3 days Labour in my family and I wasn't even in labour for 8 hour's and done it without an epidural”
Socially distanced, Skin Care Open Day
Tal Klug To celebrate the arrival of the Hauschka skin care range in our shop, Felicity Williams will be in the shop on Saturday 19th September to talk to customers and give free skin care advice.
Felicity is one of very few Hauschka skin care therapists in Ireland and we are thrilled that she will be working with us.
Do come along for some free skin care advice. Felicity will be in the shop from 11:30 am to 3pm.
To keep numbers down and ensure you get a slot give us a ring to book your free 15 minutes. 01 2859142